Digital Photography History

Posted by writer on Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Digital photography is a bridge between nineteenth and twenty-first century. From his first steps back in 1839, photography was used as a living document for the history of mankind.

His documentary is located in the center of visual communication, finding land sprouting, mainly in advertising, art and journalism. Today, after half a century of television, radio, Internet and new digital technology expands the most experimental and creative power.

Back in 1839 Joseph Nicéphore Niépce succeeded, after eight hours of exposure, capturing the first image that is recorded history of digital photography. Thus was born the figure, a wonderful invention that the combination of two phenomena:. Camera Obscura, which will catch the reflection of the image, and various physical and chemical experiments improve the picture

is the first picture is the framework: the silhouettes of leaves and insects, printed on the sheet of leather and attached to the phosphorus and silver salts. Then came the daguerreotype, similar to the famous Polaroid camera, which greatly shortened the exposure time, but gave us a snapshot, in a positive and necessary exposure for another copy.

in a negative image of the positive (as we know it until the arrival of digital cameras) to be his invention, William Henry Fox Talbot, who was also in the year 1839, published what could be considered as the first publication devoted exclusively to photography :. Some account of Photogenic Drawing Art, a collection of photographic positive, using paper negatives

What is now known as the flash was a process that began with a fine dust of magnesium, which when detonated with spray products, the effect of artificial light. Finally, in 1930 it came to flash lamps.

In less than two years (1935-1936), appearing on the market and Agfacolor Kodachrome, which have been made with transparencies or color slides. In the '40s perfected the daguerreotype and the Polaroid Land.

and 60's, where progress has been perfected:. Color, speed, lower prices of zinc, cadmium sulfide and titanium oxide using film ITEK RS

Since those early years to today's reality, photography has appeared in countless areas, increases in the collective imagination and sociological reflection of our thinkers, the idea of society in the image.

the documentary nature of photography, that is, its ability to capture on film some important facts of reality, has become an indispensable tool for science, art, advertising and journalism.

in every field, and the appearance of each of the creators of history, photos, acted as a disseminator of certain ideologies, and a significant agent firsthand.

Science has served the medical school (remember the X-ray, MR, stethoscopic surgery), the study of biology (nature photography, diving), cartography, geology, exploration, military, archeology and forensic science (popular black light) to name a few .

is a photo spread to the human eye has led to a range of infrared or ultraviolet, previously unimagined. He also expanded the range of imagination in order to facilitate the development of film and photographic arts.

who has ever seen, with the fascination of those who are looking for the first time, those films of Charles Chaplin or rayograms of Man Ray?

In the realm of ideas, ie, advertising, design and journalism, was the site par excellence, since the second part of the twentieth century is to have its full sway.

First comes the complement print communications, putting in pictures what the text can not express. So we are in the ranks of journalism, one of the most wanted:. The photographer and / or a war correspondent, this epic hero, the camera in hand, recording the collective memory of the horrors of history

Thus, names like Robert Capa, who immortalized the image in the Normandy landings in World War II, or the thousands of photographers who form the staff of National Geographic, Sebastian Salgado, or lens, a portrait of American poverty.

So too will appear in the main news agencies, a development will or photojournalism photojournalism: it's the reality of journalistic practice that attempts by one or more images at the expense of reality. Among the agencies and newspapers that they deserve a prominent place for their use of photographs, to my taste are: El Pais, El Mundo and the photo is a document of reality pokretu.Stvarnost constantly seeking his attention span viewers. Some times better than others, but always ahead in terms of our world.

if before talking about his childhood and adolescence, photos, and after nearly two centuries of existence, we have reached a remarkable maturity at the hands of the Internet and new technologies.

The ancient analog analog cameras (delusions of some inveterate collectors) have jumped on the digital image and spread globally in the network. Now the standards of quality and clarity are measured in megapixels, and reach any magic is Adobe Photoshop.

major news agencies are raking in reading and visiting "Picture Day". Is also open to debate and put the documentary nature of photography through the manipulations that allow different software image processing.

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